PRIVACY: The owner and CEO, Vickie Ammann, knows all about privacy. "Working for The Urology Group for 5 years taught me a lot of things besides humility. One of the most important things that I've learned is why and how to keep client matters private. Thanks 10 page HIPAA forms!" With data breaches rampant at big banks and stores like Target, how can APS ensure privacy as a small company? We use Serve Manager, an encrypted cloud based software to hold your photos, status, and documents. In office, we keep projects under lock and key, shred and destroy anything and everything that could lead hackers and thieves from getting into the personal affairs of others. APS employees are respected members in the community and do not associate with people that would break their high moral standards regarding drug use, thievery and other illegal activity. We treat your legal documents and information as private as our own social security cards.
All employees, agents, and vendors must sign agreements to do the same. We offer secure document trading here: https://www.processservers.com/forms/ammann-process-servers-llc
CREDIT CARDS: We do shred credit card info that is given to us over the phone, however, your information given on this website, (designed on Squarespace.com) will never be shared. Not even with us. Only Squarespace.com will have that information. The other forms of payment that we accept have a similar concept. We accept Venmo, Zelle, Cash App, Apple Pay, PayPal and Credit Cards on this website or through the document upload link above.
INSURANCE: APS has General Liability/Errors and Omissions and Additional Defense Coverages to protect the company and its clients.
LICENSES: Fortunately for APS, the state of Ohio does not require a license to serve process. However, APS does have Standing Appointments in the counties of Hamilton, Butler, Warren, Montgomery, and Clermont; and will continue to obtain more appointments as needed for other Ohio counties to avoid unnecessary hassles of being appointed on each and every case stemming out of the court in that county. We do follow all Notary Public rules and requirements in the state of Ohio. We do NOT use stamp signatures or notarize documents illegally. We also follow the National Association of Professional Process Servers code of conduct and abide by each state's legal requirements. We do not draft our own Returns of Service because that would be practicing Law. We do however, use the template of your state or your pleading and then allow you to review the document, and approve them prior to filing with the Court.
BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN: Because APS manages most of its’ business through secure web servers, the business can be mobile. Before document destruction, there is minimal paper trail. In the case of an emergency, we will continue to prioritize clients interests. Our team is ready to take action should a crisis happen. We have a backup plan and trustworthy affiliates ready to take our place immediately should we be unable to proceed.
EMAIL: E-mail passwords are changed often and kept in strictest confidence.
CODE OF CONDUCT: All employees and vendors must adhere to a strict code of conduct. We employ wonderful people who really do not have to be told how to behave but in the end, we state it anyway. An excerpt of the final Code of Conduct is found below. Feel free to critique it as I (Vickie Ammann) am no English Major.
1. Dress: Professional dress, semi-casual dress, and APS logo t-shirts and hats are okay with consideration for each serve. (No jeans, crop tops, cut offs, or revealing clothing.
2. Words: Professional business language and talk that you would only care to use around your great-grandma should be exercised. (Please refrain from using profanity, slang, or lying - we don't need to lie about our business to the subjects we are serving. Be creative without lying and you will sleep better at night.)
3. Information: Your business is to be kept between you, the client, and the person or company being served. No one else on this planet needs to know ANYTHING about who and what you are serving. "I have a personal hand delivery for Jane Doe," is all that really needs to be said. Please destroy any documents with information with your shredder or turn in documents to APS for immediate destruction.
4. Awareness: Keep yourself and your belongings out of dangerous situations. (Don't leave car running and unattended; don't park illegally; obey all traffic laws; don't walk through the grass; beware of dogs and guns; beware of your surroundings; if it looks unsafe it probably is; don't enter anyone's home (even grandpa Steve's lovely country home); don't engage in verbal or physical wars; call the police and scream for help if attacked; Do defend yourself when attacked; Do record all events and Do not make threats.
5. We are NAPPS members so we MUST abide by their standards, too. Please see NAPPS member code of conduct and best practices.
ABOUT US: See Contact Us page.